Revista Honoris Causa <div class="journal-description"> <p><strong>HONORIS CAUSA </strong>es una revista científica arbitrada e indexada, multidisciplinaria, adscrita y editada por el Vicerrectorado de Investigación y Postgrado de la Universidad Yacambú. El<strong> objetivo principal </strong>de la revista es propiciar un espacio de difusión de las investigaciones científicas de la comunidad nacional e internacional hacia diferentes escenarios académicos para contribuir a la expansión y profundización en el conocimiento, enfocada en la proyección internacional-global en un marco de buenas prácticas editoriales.</p> </div> es-ES (Dra. Omaira Rincón) (Alejandro Vásquez) Fri, 28 Jun 2024 15:24:07 -0400 OJS 60 Hermeneutic task: substantive reflections for knowing in the social sciences <p>The purpose of this study is to generate holistic understandings of the hermeneutic task for knowledge in the social sciences. It derives from a heuristic process focused on the sequence of thinking, interpreting, and understanding the signifiers and linguistic meanings emerging in the historical contexts from the experiences of human beings, in order to broaden the horizons of reason and recreate authentic meanings in the world of life. The substantive reflections generated are built in the interpretative recursiveness, marked by the hermeneutic cycle proposed by Dilthey (1990) to reflect, to understand the whole, its parts and vice versa in order to build socially relevant knowledge. Finally, we understood that hermeneutics is a human task for knowing, it allows us to study exhaustively the cognizing world with others in order to generate scientific contributions as epistemic subjects. At the same time, it allows us to deploy a creative heuristic action to overcome epistemological obstacles in the systems of thought with which scientific communities operationalize knowledge to build a theoretical and practical knowledge with the everyday world in order to make them accessible to the whole society.</p> Yarinés Del Carmen Perdomo de Yépez, Nichol José Alvarado Mendoza Copyright (c) 2024 Yarinés Del Carmen Perdomo de Yépez, Nichol José Alvarado Mendoza Thu, 27 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Doctoral training in the professional development of university teachers <p>The essay highlights the relevance of doctoral training as a favorable scenario for social transformation and the professional development of university teachers. It reflects on the responsibilities assigned by current legislation to Chilean universities regarding the generation, preservation and transmission of knowledge in various areas, from the sciences to the humanities, arts and technology. From this review, the fundamental role of the university professor in the educational promise of institutions towards their students and society is understood. When considering doctoral training in education, it is interpreted as a scenario for the production of innovative knowledge, where the disciplinary and research skills of the doctoral student are evident, in addition to the academic collaborations that are developed during their training journey. However, it is necessary to address various challenges that allow us to take advantage of the opportunities offered by the current context, therefore, reflections are presented on the need to promote critical-reflective thinking, support research and innovation, promote institutional support, value the diversity, promote continuous training and encourage collaboration between peers, through interdisciplinarity and ethics in the construction of the doctoral thesis.</p> Samira Georgina Khazmou Nazi Copyright (c) 2024 Samira Georgina Khazmou Nazi Thu, 27 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Strategic business thinking in quality of services, internet companies Municipìo Páez, Estado Portuguesa <p>The objective of the research work was to analyze the strategic business thinking in quality of services, internet companies in the municipality of Paez, state of Portuguesa, framed within the positivist paradigm, with a quantitative approach, descriptive level research design, fieldwork modality, transectional research. A population of service companies of the municipality. Non-probabilistic sampling, of (6) service business managers, applying a sampling with statistical parameters determined 24,762 subscribers, a statistical procedure with representation of (25) users. The data collection used the survey, as an instrument two closed questionnaires, with (15) items each, multiple alternatives: always, sometimes and never, addressed to the participating subjects (managers/users). The validity of the instrument was by expert judgment, to determine the reliability, whose Cronbach's Alpha Coefficient was 0.89 for each instrument. As results respond to the proposed objectives with their conclusions, based on total quality, as an organizational element, does not meet the expectations of users, even though (100%) of users indicate that the company promises and must fulfill satisfying the customer. It recommends providing greater motivation to the company's staff and users, evidencing the quality, service, and differentiating the competition in the companies, making cultivate relationships with customers.</p> Valentino Raffaele Crocetta Yanuario Copyright (c) 2024 Valentino Raffaele Crocetta Yanuario Thu, 27 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Impact of the digital divide on sustainable development and competitiveness <p>The development of the contemporary economy and society largely depends on fundamental elements such as digital skills among citizens and the adoption of digital technologies among companies. In this sense, this article reviews the details of a study whose main objectives were: to know the key socioeconomic factors of the digital divide among Spanish citizens; identify the aspects of the digital economy and society most associated with the sustainable development of the countries of the European Union; evaluate the relationship between digitization and their average productivity; as well as studying the relationship between patents in digital technologies and R&amp;D, and economic development and productivity; analyze to what extent digital transformation favors the achievement of Sustainable Development Objectives related to per capita income, equality and competitiveness. To achieve these objectives, the data analysis methodology was used based on the application of an artificial intelligence technique based on machine learning, as well as classification and regression trees. In general, the most important results show that the most relevant socioeconomic factors linked to the social digital divide are the person's age, educational level and occupation; Likewise, it was shown that the level of digital skills of the population of European countries is a variable closely associated with their level of per capita income, equality and productivity.</p> José Gesto Rodríguez Copyright (c) 2024 José Gesto Rodríguez Thu, 27 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Relationship between entrepreneurships with a social focus and the improvement of quality of life <p>The objective of this research is to analyze the relationship between entrepreneurship with a social focus and the improvement of quality of life. For this, non-profit, for-profit and hybrid organizations are studied as inclusive business models, to understand their contribution to social well-being; the role that hybrid models play and their relationship with social progress; and the challenges and opportunities of hybrid models in social innovation. A qualitative, descriptive methodology was used, based on documentary review, and three (03) ventures with a social focus were analyzed as case studies. The hybrid model is presented as the most suitable option for enterprises with a social focus, due to its flexible and adaptable framework that allows for achieving both social and economic objectives. Although Venezuela has an IPS of 57,23 points (ranked 117), opportunities can be created for the population through hybrid initiatives together with the application of a system of management indicators to measure their social progress. Entrepreneurs with a social focus must address challenges such as management, leadership, financing, impact, objectives and legality; and possibilities such as knowledge, innovation, sustainability, social impact, legitimacy, adaptation and resources, to take advantage of the social innovation of hybrid models. To close, entrepreneurship with a social focus act as an engine of positive change in society, promoting the improvement of people's quality of life.</p> María Alejandra Rujano Castillo Copyright (c) 2024 María Alejandra Rujano Castillo Thu, 27 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Collective imaginary of the cultural heritage; identity traits <p>The purpose of this study is to interpret the collective imagination of the cultural heritage; identity traits, which addresses the identification of the knowledge and actions that comprise it, visualizing the characteristics of the collective imagination and revealing the elements that constitute the cultural heritage. These elements refer to all the expressions that identify a community, region or nation, and what distinguishes it from others, from its everyday life to the highest aesthetic and scientific manifestations in favor of social well-being. This work is conceived in the interpretive paradigm, under a qualitative approach with a hermeneutic phenomenological methodology. The theoretical references are focused on the hermeneutical precepts of Gadamer G. and Ricoeurt P. Concatenated and linked with the theory of Social Imaginaries of Castoriadis C. In addition, reference is made to the studies of the National School of Popular Cultures, emerging the detailed analysis in matrices, where the edges were extended for the interpretation and understanding of the Cultural Heritage, its intricacies and dimensions. In conclusion, the cultural heritage is shaped and activates the totality of expressions that make up the collective imagination, thus emerging, in short, our identity, loaded with a complex cultural baggage that goes from generation to generation.</p> Haddiel José Colmenárez Rangel Copyright (c) 2024 Thu, 27 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Educating from public policies in transmodernity <p>Humanity professes experiences that come from inexplicable spherical times, known by the presence of theories present in the complex, transcomplex and metacomplex, with starting features, until the present times. In its journey I intend to direct the questioning translated as a purpose of unveiling the essence of the educated from public policies in transmodernity: with a humanistic vision, they lead me to denote experiences on extensive transformations in society, significantly impacted in all its academic structure. With innovations in the political, economic, social, cultural and of course educational, changes driven by thinkers born in this context. From the theoretical, thinking and re-thinking in the depths of my being, doubts emerge, which I can clarify by adding to these, a new basis that tunes with the long-awaited flood of ideas: what are we, where are we going, being able to engage with what we want to be, I am sure that I will get reflections attending the arguments addressed here, guided in a qualitative approach, interpretive paradigm coincides substantially, in the interpretation as a fundamental element of the analysis of social reality, under the phenomenological, supported by the hermeneutic. For the reflective field, approaching a new learning model, which underlies the learning-by-doing, management of a new teaching.</p> Milagro Alexandra Yustiz Ramos Copyright (c) 2024 Milagro Alexandra Yustiz Ramos Thu, 27 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Knowledge management and virtuality in post-pandemic times in territorial polytechnic universities <p>This article addresses knowledge management and virtuality in the post-pandemic COVID-19 university environment. Territorial universities have implemented strategies and technological tools to ensure the continuity of the teaching-learning process in virtual environments. The purpose of the article is to analyze the relationship between knowledge management and virtuality in this context. It presents an overview, highlighting the challenges and opportunities faced by territorial universities in managing knowledge and virtuality. Among the key aspects highlighted in the article are collaboration and co-creation of knowledge, adaptation to the virtual environment, the use of emerging technologies, and the importance of virtual education. The health crisis has posed significant challenges for territorial universities but has also opened up opportunities to improve knowledge management and virtual education. To develop the analysis, a recent and rigorous literature review methodology was used, allowing for the collection and analysis of updated information on knowledge management and virtuality in territorial universities in the post-pandemic context. Various documentary sources were consulted, including databases, specialized repositories, books, and articles, to provide a critical and updated perspective on the topic.</p> María Alejandra Carruido Tua Copyright (c) 2024 María Alejandra Carruido Tua Thu, 27 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Competences of the university manager in conflict management and dispute resolution <p>The purpose of this essay is to analyze the competencies of the university manager in conflict management to find solutions to differences that may arise between the parties in an effective and efficient manner. For its development, reviews of articles, books, presentations, essays on the topic were carried out. Emphasizing the skills required by successful negotiators and mediators to manage conflicts based on theoretical knowledge, flexibility, self-control, negotiation and communication, as well as constant learning. From this perspective, the resolution of differences and the attitudes that the manager must assume to resolve these conflicts will allow him to maintain labor peace in the organization. Among the conclusions, the importance of conflict resolution and the search for solutions to prevent conflicts from worsening and disturbing the proper development of staff and peace in the university organization stands out.</p> Angel Alfonso Sánchez Torres Copyright (c) 2024 Angel Alfonso Sánchez Torres Thu, 27 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Onto-epistemic position of the lawyer of the XXI century in the field of management and technology information and communication <p>This article is a theoretical dissertation about the construction of the ontoepistemological position of the practicing lawyer and the challenges posed by communication and information technologies and the managerial skills that must be developed in the management of a professional office. The study is about building an interpretative vision of the reality lived from the perspective of the key versions in the exercise of their profession from a law firm, which is done under the parameters of the qualitative paradigm using their techniques for the collection of the information and for its analysis, in order to contribute to building the ontoepistemic position of the legal professional. It is about interviewing some key versions and building a theoretical perspective that allows positioning the functions and competencies of the 21st century lawyer through the categorization and triangulation of sources and theories.</p> Alexis Lattuf Copyright (c) 2024 Alexis Lattuf Thu, 27 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Use of ICTs in the social, cultural and economic context of the venezuelan educational system <p>The post-pandemic period marks a transcendental step in an education where ICTs as part of multimodal systems will be the main mediator of the educational process. The development of these tools in Venezuela gained momentum at the beginning of the 21st century thanks to investment and institutional support, however, its consolidation is subject to social, political, economic, cultural, scientific, and technological factors. The analysis reveals that despite the fact that at first a significant growth of ICTs was observed due to government support, the economic and political crisis that occurred since 2013 reduced investment, creating a lag in telecommunications, which mainly affects connectivity, likewise there is a digital divide in the Venezuelan population that prevents them from having access to high-speed Internet connections and the acquisition of state-of-the-art technology equipment, however, given the need to create a multimodal platform that allows improving educational inclusion, through the use of technological tools, requires the state to seek investment alternatives, through alliances with the private sector to improve technological infrastructure and connectivity that is accessible to the majority of the population.</p> Olga Sofia Camacaro Mendoza, Duilio Gilberto Torres Rodríguez Copyright (c) 2024 Olga Sofia Camacaro Mendoza, Duilio Gilberto Torres Rodríguez Thu, 27 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Relationship between politics, the state and life education <p>The purpose of this essay is to show a theoretical and practical approach to the categories of thought around: politics, understood as a public thing, the state and education for life. I have relied on the ideas of some authors who have tried to develop these conceptions and, also, on legal regulations in force in Venezuela. In this sense, I assume the ideas about politics and the public thing as understood by Enrique Dussel when he speaks of a conglomerate of intersubjective subjects related in the diverse structures of power. Therefore, I will support the state category with Rousseau's conception that interprets it as a social pact of peaceful coexistence; developed by the conception of social, democratic, state of law and justice proposed by the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Finalizing with the conception of popular and quality education bequeathed by the master Simón Rodríguez. Therefore, we seek to present the role of institutions and public policies in the consolidation of an educational approach that trains for life, integral liberation, where schools and universities assume learning by doing, learning to learn without uprooting from their environment.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Policy, State, Education, Life</p> Agustín Gregorio Riera Suárez Copyright (c) 2024 Agustín Gregorio Riera Suárez Thu, 27 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 About the book: Microscopic Chronicles, by Luis Traviezo <p> Los amantes de la historia de las Ciencias de la Salud, estaban pendientes de una segunda parte del libro “<em>Historias Microscópicas</em> <em>Médicas</em>” del profesor Luis Eduardo Traviezo Valles; un compendio de relatos cortos, pero de alta densidad, de diferentes acontecimientos reales asociados a la Microbiología y a la Parasitología. Y es así que, en este 2024, sorprende gratamente con esta segunda serie de relatos de historias de la medicina (figura 1) nuevamente ligada a las ciencias microscópicas (Traviezo, 2020; Traviezo, 2024).</p> Gustavo Báez Guirola Copyright (c) 2024 Gustavo Báez Guirola Thu, 27 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Editorial Omaira Rincón Copyright (c) 2024 Thu, 27 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Tabla de contenido Equipo Editorial Copyright (c) 2024 Thu, 27 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400