Approach to the research component in industrial engineering: prototype of semi-automatic solid filler



instrumentation and control, C.P.E. questionnaire, research component


The main research purpose was to encourage students of the subject Instrumentation and Control, code TIN-0933, of the 2023-3 period of Industrial Engineering, from a Venezuelan university, to applied entrepreneurship for the development and construction of a prototype of a semi-automatic solid filler, with a non-experimental epistemological approach of learning by doing, together with the methodological technique of feasible projects in the subject of industrial automation, combined with self-taught entrepreneurial management, sponsored as a transversal competence of the curricular unit indicated above. The intentional sample was applied a questionnaire validated by the researcher J.B.Biggs on processes in the study (C.P.E.), to define the dominant learning style in the group, resulting in a Deep Style, which contributed to the success of the filling device. It is concluded that the most important thing was the motivation of the participants towards the empowerment of their own training process, while strengthening their sense of belonging to their university. Likewise, the project ultimately demonstrated that it is possible to apply research as an effective component associated with daily teaching activity, taking the Classroom to the field where Industrial Engineering is applied.


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How to Cite

Matos, A. (2025). Approach to the research component in industrial engineering: prototype of semi-automatic solid filler. Revista Ingenium | Universidad Yacambú, 2(2), 51–73. Retrieved from



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