Green mobility: traveling paths to sustainability



green mobility, sustainable mobility, ecomobility, sustainable transport


Environmental concerns have gained ground around the world, as carbon emissions are increasing rapidly and are one of the main causes of global warming. The rapidly worsening effects of climate change require an accelerated and massive reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in all sectors of human life; the largest contribution of these comes from the transport sector, above energy generation and industry. In this sense, international organizations have recognized that green mobility is essential for sustainable development; in fact, one of the Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the United Nations in the 2030 Agenda established the need to have non-polluting transport systems. Sustainable mobility, which includes both public transport and active transport, electric vehicles and other ecological modes of transport, can significantly contribute to reducing adverse environmental impacts. Under these considerations, this article reviews some theoretical assumptions that conceptualize green mobility, as well as the justification for its implementation; it also analyzes some advances in the area, identifying the challenges to be faced. Key findings indicate that much remains to be done to expand the use of green travel modes, and increasing such modes requires not only improving public transport services and promoting walking and cycling behaviour, but also the commitment of all stakeholders.


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How to Cite

Gesto Rodríguez, J. (2025). Green mobility: traveling paths to sustainability. Revista Ingenium | Universidad Yacambú, 2(2), 14–34. Retrieved from



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