Neuroscience and social-emotional education. Role of the teacher



neuroscience, education, social-emotional education, competencies


In this essay, we will find the significant contribution of neurosciences as a discipline belonging to this new century and that has had a great boom and contribution in the field of education. These contributions have been added to curricula and educational planning and are considered as strategies or ways of acting in the face of learning problems that previously used to be considered as apathy or lack of interest of students. The main objective of the research seeks to delve into the benefits of the use of neuroscience in the educational environment and to demonstrate the relationship between neuroscience and education. One of the main elements for learning to take place is the socio-emotional state, which will be given by the context in which it develops socially, with a parenting style, that will be reflected in the school to modify it through communication with their peers and then continue within society, which makes it necessary to reinforce it in the school stage. The methodology applied and treatment of the information is through an exhaustive review of the associated bibliography; with reliable data. It presents a text structure with a deductive approach. In conclusion, neuroscience is a branch of biology that studies the nervous system and its relationship with behavior and cognition. Since its origin, it has been the subject of various scientific studies and has allowed important advances in the understanding of the human mind. In this essay, he addresses the importance of neuroscience today and its possible impact in the future, it can be inferred that it is one of the bases for the development of learning, feelings and knowledge in human beings.


Blakemore, S. J. & Frith, U. (2011). Cómo aprende el cerebro. Las claves para la Educación. Ariel: Barcelona.

Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL).

Mortiboys, A. (2016) Cómo enseñar con inteligencia emocional. México, Grupo Editorial Patria.

Tobón, S. (2020, octubre). Habilidades socioemocionales: concepto, evaluación y estrategias para desarrollarlas desde la socioformación. En L. G. Juárez-Hernández (Coord.), Memorias del Quinto Congreso de investigación en Habilidades Socioemocionales, Coaching y Talento (CIGETH-2020). Congreso conducido por el Centro Universitario CIFE, Cuernavaca, México.



How to Cite

Lara, J. A. (2024). Neuroscience and social-emotional education. Role of the teacher. Revista Ingenium | Universidad Yacambú, 2(1), 71–80. Retrieved from