Engineering process approach in the model management department for hotel operations



process approach, management model, hotel, operation


Process management seeks to become a tool that facilitates hospitality companies to implement specific actions that allow them to direct their management towards the achievement of objectives, goals, and clear indicators, as well as to establish procedures, standards, and fundamental processes that guarantee the delivery of high-quality services. This research aims to present a proposal for a process-focused management model for hotel operations, applicable successfully to any hotel organization. The study was conducted through a feasible project research, with a descriptive design, where the sample studied consisted of fifteen (15) hospitality experts from the states of Nueva Esparta, Distrito Capital, and Falcón. One data collection instrument was applied using the Delphi methodology, identifying the main operational and management areas of a hotel establishment, as well as the key processes that must be supported to achieve efficient and effective management. The results allowed for the design of a management model under a process-oriented approach, considering the recommendations of the experts consulted in the hotel industry, ensuring optimal conditions of organization, equipment, quality, and safety in the same.

Author Biography

Jhoan José Sira Carrasquero, Docente

Bachelor's degree in Tourism, with a Master's in Hotel Management and currently pursuing a postgraduate degree in Quality and Productivity Management. Consultant in Quality Management Systems (QMS) with a Diploma in Quality Management Systems (FONDONORMA) and a Diploma in the Implementation of the HSEQ Trinorma (CIL LATAM). Lead Auditor HSEQ ISO 9001-14001-45001 (Applus+ Colombia). Lead Auditor ISO 9001 Abendi RAC. Internal Auditor HSEQ ISO 9001-14001-45001 (CIL LATAM).


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How to Cite

Sira Carrasquero, J. J. (2024). Engineering process approach in the model management department for hotel operations. Revista Ingenium | Universidad Yacambú, 2(1), 4–23. Retrieved from



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