A look at the ontology of vacuum



quantum vacuum, quantum physics, zero-point energy, vacuum philosophy, vacuum ontology


Product of an analytical and reflective review, this essay aims to introduce the reader to a reality in which it is evident that the ontological evolution of the concept of vacuum in physics has gone through several stages: in ancient times, in Western culture, it was considered physically impossible to exist, not so much in Eastern culture, where it is suggested that it is the basis of all things and that all things arise and return to it. During the Renaissance this concept began to be questioned, and a debate began on its physical dimension, as a fundamental element in the advancement of science, reaching the contemporary vision where it is established as a space full of energy and virtual particles according to quantum physics. In this epistemological conception, the concept of zero-point energy is fundamental, with significant theoretical implications, which can manifest itself with observable effects in the physical world. the psychopedagogist, testing a previously selected patient, whose final diagnosis was that the patient does not have any disorder in the learning area.


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How to Cite

Bravo, R. (2024). A look at the ontology of vacuum. Revista Ingenium | Universidad Yacambú, 2(1), 81–90. Retrieved from https://revista.uny.edu.ve/ojs/index.php/ingenium/article/view/436