Voltage and current protection system of voltage stabilizers servomotor type of the company E4 Systems, C.A.
automation, E4 Systems, voltage stabilizer, faultsAbstract
The general objective of this research is to improve the voltage and current protection system of the servomotor type voltage stabilizers of the company E4 SYSTEMS, CA. To achieve the fulfillment of the general objective, information was collected through the history of the company, the personnel that operates in it and by evaluating the servomotor type voltage stabilizers. This being the necessary information to opt for the development of the voltage and current protection system. The development of the prototype is proposed through component research and calculation of the needs for each voltage stabilizer. The voltage and current protection system will have a contactor, surge suppressor, voltage supervisor and a current supervisor (Relay), all of these components aligned to the characteristics of the servomotor type voltage stabilizer. The operation of the system installed in the equipment worked perfectly without affecting the operation of the equipment. Resulting in equipment that is both technically and economically feasible, reliable and safe, and with all this extending the useful life of the servomotor type voltage stabilizers and reducing operating costs for the company E4 SYSTEMS. AC.
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