Raising awareness of agricultural managers for the preservation of the environment at the Yacambú University
agricultural managers, environmental preservation, awareness-raisingAbstract
The purpose of this research work is to describe the reality in terms of awareness in favor of the environment by students of Agroindustrial Processes. The reality regarding the high awareness in favor of the environment on the part of students of agro-industrial processes, is defined in the actions that they carry out voluntarily and in favor of the environment as a habitual behavior that in the face of a situation and in full awareness choose and direct their faculties to develop an attitude in favor of the environment. Therefore, it is recommended to strengthen environmental education, which promotes social involvement in the development of initiatives aimed at encouraging environmental awareness, from a perspective of increasing quality of life. Teachers are urged to do research not only with students but also research work on their own initiative that strengthens their personal and intellectual growth.
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