Economic impact of the pension protection declaration in the companies 100% Activa C.A., Famco's C.A. and Inversiones Paomi 2021 C.A. based on their nature



economics, social security, pension protection


The main objective of this study is to analyze the impact of the application of the Law for the Protection of Social Security Pensions in the company’s 100% Activa C.A., Famco's C.A., and Inversiones Paomi 2021 C.A., located in Barquisimeto, Lara state. In order to achieve the research objective, the positivist paradigm was used, with a quantitative approach, field study, descriptive level, non-experimental cross-sectional design. Likewise, the population will consist of three (3) companies: 100% Activa C.A., Famco's C.A., and Inversiones Paomi 2021 C.A. Likewise, observations, structured survey and questionnaire will be used as a technique to obtain the necessary information for the development of this research. Regarding the analysis and interpretation of the results that will be obtained, with the application of the criteria of descriptive statistics, presented in a simplified form by means of frequency tables and percentages, as well as graphs, which will show the results that will allow conclusions and recommendations. It is important to mention that this is an ongoing investigation.


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How to Cite

Molina, W. (2025). Economic impact of the pension protection declaration in the companies 100% Activa C.A., Famco’s C.A. and Inversiones Paomi 2021 C.A. based on their nature. Decisiones | Revista Científica E Internacional En Ciencias Económicas Y Administrativas, 1(2), 13–18. Retrieved from



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