Digital tools for environmental education in the management of hospital waste



digital tools, environmental education, hospital waste


The general objective of this research was to determine digital tools for environmental education in the management of hospital waste aimed at health personnel at the Dr. Armando Velásquez Mago Hospital in the state of Lara. The study is methodologically framed under the positivist paradigm, with a focus quantitative, and with a non-experimental field, cross-sectional, descriptive design. The population is represented by one hundred and two (102) subjects who are part of the health personnel, with a defined sample of thirty (30) health professionals. To collect data, a closed-scale questionnaire was used with response options Always, Sometimes and Never, structured with twenty-eight (28) items. The instrument was subjected to expert judgment and the Cronbach's Alpha reliability coefficient was applied. It is concluded that workers do not have written information for the final collection of waste, intermittency in the supplies of adequate personal protective equipment for waste management, lack of supervision of institutions and organizations, mainly. It is recommended to implement the use of digital platforms, adequate management of social networks, use of Educational Websites with environmental themes, specifically hospital waste management.


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Author Biographies

Aaron Esteban Briceño Torres, Universidad Yacambú

Licenciado en Estudios Ambientales

Luisa Arismendi Collantes, Universidad Yacambú

Docente Asociado en la UNY (1966-Actual). Ingeniero Agrónomo (UCLA)
Magister en Educación (UNESR) Componente Docente (UNY). Doctora en Gerencia (UNY)


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How to Cite

Briceño Torres, A. E., & Arismendi Collantes, L. (2024). Digital tools for environmental education in the management of hospital waste. Revista COMPSIDEA | Universidad Yacambú, 1(1), 7–23. Retrieved from


