Women healing women: the story of the life of love



healing, spirituality, women


From women's healing, concerns arise about the historical process that is narrated and described through male eyes, in addition, under the patriarchal system, thus highlighting the healing posture of men. Then, the idea of working the research from the experience of women as a bridge of healing knowledge among women is assumed, thus understanding the collective work that is done to carry out with the intention of unveiling the spiritual healing experiences of the life story of love". Addressing the theory on: the ethics of care of Carol Gillegan (1985), spirituality Mary Ress (2010), Diane Stein's healing (1987) and Isabel Pemjea (2010). The research methodology is inserted in the feminist paradigm and life history method accompanied by the techniques of observation, in-depth interview and content analysis. A life story narrated with the precision of the protagonist that from beginning to end touches on the theme of health, at the beginning combined with the physical and at the end links it with the emotional-spiritual healing among women; defining the concept from an ecofeminism that marked her life, understanding the full integral wellbeing of the body-mind-feeling that connects her with the spiritual to free herself and heal physical and emotional wounds. Healing is a symbol of liberation, spirituality is the essence of feeling, feminism is the unity of women's lives, politics is seen as the right to wellbeing.


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Author Biography

Elianny Mabel Alvarado Hernández, Universidad Bolivariana de Venezuela: Barquisimeto, Lara

Profesora de Lengua, especialista en Literatura, Magister en Dirección, Magister en Desarrollo Integral de la Mujer, Doctora en Ciencias para el Desarrollo Estratégico.


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How to Cite

Alvarado Hernández, E. M. (2024). Women healing women: the story of the life of love. Revista COMPSIDEA | Universidad Yacambú, 1(1), 24–39. Retrieved from https://revista.uny.edu.ve/ojs/index.php/compsidea/article/view/449




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