Organizational dynamics. Challenges in metamodernity



organizational dynamics, metamodernity, postmodernity, modernity, change


The purpose of this article is to report a set of reflections related to the organizational dynamics associated with metamodernity. Historically, the organization has been understood from different perspectives according to economic, social, and scientific changes that had a significant impact on the organizational environment. This has led to the evolution of management models in the field of administration and management, and various paradigms have emerged over time that have been in tune with the historical context of the moment. The line of argument developed involves the review of organizations from a conversational perspective (Echeverría, 2005; Flores, 1994). The need to interweave them as a social action in force in the current metamodern contexts (Baciu & Bocos, (2015); Han, 2022) for the well-being and human flourishing that challenge them is then discussed. Finally, proposed lines of action are formulated to develop an organizational dynamic that allows facing impositions of modernity and postmodernity, in such a way that they derive in purposes of well-being for all.


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Information AGE Publishing. Inc.



How to Cite

Aular, A. (2025). Organizational dynamics. Challenges in metamodernity. Revista COMPSIDEA | Universidad Yacambú, 1(2), 6–17. Retrieved from