Pragmatics perception in requests: the case of ULA students


  • Pablo Gabriel Valderrama Esquivel Universidad Yacambú


requests, pragmatics, speech acts, effective communication, appropriateness


The present research aims to explore how the speech act of requesting is perceived by students of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) at ULA University. The author describes how students find a group of utterances in terms of appropriateness when requesting something; and also, tries to understand how the social context is reflected in the ULA students’ choices of requests. From the methodological point of view, it follows a mixed-method approach where 7 students volunteered to provide their insights regarding the (in) appropriateness of a group of requests situations. The instrument to collect data was an open-ended questionnaire that follow a Likert scale from 1 (very inappropriate) to 5 (very appropriate), and where the students were able to justify their answers. Among the conclusions, it was found that students tend to be very formal when requesting something from professors and very neutral or bossy when talking to their pairs.


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How to Cite

Valderrama Esquivel, P. G. (2025). Pragmatics perception in requests: the case of ULA students. Revista COMPSIDEA | Universidad Yacambú, 1(2), 26–43. Retrieved from