Integration of entrepreneurship in the academic training of the psychologist



entrepreneurship, academic training, psychology student


This essay had the purpose of reflecting on the integration of entrepreneurship in the academic training of the psychologist from the current opportunities and challenges and towards the future regarding personal and social benefits. The theoretical support was developed in three aspects: entrepreneurship as a key competence in modern psychology, challenges and opportunities of entrepreneurial training in psychology and futuristic perspective of the psychologist, following the dynamics of a bibliographic research, in which the signing technique was implemented in order to select articles written in the English language for the relevant arguments. Among the conclusions, it stands out that entrepreneurship in psychology expands job opportunities, fosters soft and business skills, promotes innovative solutions in mental health, and bases the interest in maintaining ethical principles for a positive impact on the community. In prospective terms, the integration of entrepreneurship in psychology is highlighted as a key to innovating, expanding professional horizons and generating significant and sustainable social impact.


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Author Biography

Carmen Martínez, Universidad Yacambú

Lic en Enfermería. Magister en Enfermería. Docente titular jubilada UCLA. Docente titular UNY


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How to Cite

Martínez, C. (2025). Integration of entrepreneurship in the academic training of the psychologist. Revista COMPSIDEA | Universidad Yacambú, 1(2), 44–55. Retrieved from