Information and communications technologies (ICT) in the venezuelan civil process



information and communication technologies, civil process, justice system


The purpose of this essay is to analyze the application of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the Venezuelan civil judicial process. The arrival of information and communication technologies have facilitated the activities of the human being through technological devices such as software and hardware, which allowed various transformations in society, changes in the educational, cultural, political, economic, social, as in court. In the context of the Venezuelan administration of justice, the inclusion of ICTs allowed advances not only in technology, but also in the way of integrating them in the development of judicial procedures, as well as introducing new ways of complying with the judicial proceedings, being fundamental during the evolution of the infectious disease known as Coronavirus (COVID-19), declared a global pandemic on March 12, 2020, by the World Health Organization (WHO), which is why in Venezuela the Executive Through Decree No. 4,160, of March 13, 2020, declared a state of alarm throughout the National Territory, in order to adopt necessary protection measures, affecting the normal development of activities in the Courts, in this sense, the Court Supreme Court, in order to guarantee access to justice, issues a series of Resolutions, aimed at the implementation of telematic, computerized and communication (ICT) in order to reactivate activities in all Courts of the Republic. Reason for which, court employees must permanently update their practical notions in the management of virtual environments, since the effective fulfillment of their technological functions has a great implication in the success or failure in the performance of their activities, as the adequate development of the judicial process, hence the need for the officials that make up the judicial system to be professionals capable of facing the challenges that virtuality generates, but on the other hand, to have the tools and efficient technological infrastructure to achieve a virtual judicial system quality.


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Author Biography

Juan Carlos Gallardo García, Universidad Yacambú - Cabudare, Venezuela

Docente de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas


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How to Cite

Gallardo García, J. C. (2022). Information and communications technologies (ICT) in the venezuelan civil process. Dictum - Revista De Ciencias Jurídicas Y Políticas | Universidad Yacambú, 1(1), 27–46. Retrieved from



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