The awakening of Legal Sciences is Now



law, praxeology, praxis, human action


Through this review, as an incipient attempt of knowledge, it is intended to briefly outline the central argument of the work "Praxeology, Cost and Considerations on Law from an Austrian Perspective", which intends to reflect on the importance of human action due to its fundamental role within the praxis in the world of legal sciences, according to the new paradigm that focuses on working the law from its practice as a complement to its theoretical constructions, debated within each classroom. With this work we hope to put into perspective that, no matter how much episteme is left within the university campus, it is necessary to accompany and associate it with the general features of professional practice, which give it new and necessary points of view to revitalize the panorama of the legal sciences, in favor of those new graduates who will become the cornerstone of the litigation guild.


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Agüin, R. (2020). La Praxeología, el Coste y Consideraciones sobre la Ley desde una Perspectiva Austriaca. Orden Espontáneo. Año 1, No.2. p. 75-85.

Ghersi-Silva, E. (2012). ¿Lógico o praxeológico? Advocatus (026), 241-248.

Olaso, L. (2008) Curso de Introducción al Derecho. Caracas. Abediciones.

Rojas, R. (2018) Fundamentos praxeológicos del Derecho. Argentina. Unión Editorial.



How to Cite

Quintero Troconis, V. A. D. S. (2022). The awakening of Legal Sciences is Now. Dictum - Revista De Ciencias Jurídicas Y Políticas | Universidad Yacambú, 1(1), 67–79. Retrieved from



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