Philosophical foundantions of human rigths: a balance between ethics and supranational rigths



humans rights, philosophy of law, ethics, constitutionals rights, history of law


Human rights constitute the foundational element of the structure that integrates the legal system of our society, with which it is necessary to understand how they have been evolving and have been built over the ages to try to give meaning and understand the value of the content of these fundamental rights in the legal bodies that make up the international system of human rights in our society. For this purpose, it is necessary to approach abstract concepts through an axiological approach, which allows us to give meaning to human rights as a manifestation of the efforts of the modern State to guarantee the exercise and availability of these legal goods inherent to the human condition. All this, involving the historical elements that each epoch of society experienced, to give an explanation to the progressive meaning of fundamental rights and their link with philosophy and its auxiliary sciences.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez González, . G. G. (2022). Philosophical foundantions of human rigths: a balance between ethics and supranational rigths. Dictum - Revista De Ciencias Jurídicas Y Políticas | Universidad Yacambú, 1(1), 80–93. Retrieved from



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