Initial understandings about stalking



stalking, stalker, cyberstalking, victims of stalking, Maria da Penha law


Stalking is still an institute little discussed by the world doctrine. It is important to emphasize that many of its definitions still lack reproduction in state legal systems and, also, when they are present, they end up comprising many doubts and little practical effectiveness. In this sense, by means of a bibliographic and jurisprudential study, we intend to analyze, albeit incipiently, the definition of stalking by the most qualified world doctrine, as well as the characteristics and adjectives of the person called a stalker, the psychological, physical and mental consequences for the victim of stalking, as well as some specific areas of stalking, contextualized in contemporary times, such as cyberstalking and stalking in the university environment. Furthermore, through the comparative method, the study will focus on the application of the Maria da Penha Law (Brazil), to have a concrete perspective of applying responsibilities to the perpetrator of such a harmful practice. Finally, it is said that this study intends to elucidate basic points of stalking and encourage the academic community and national governments to debate and implement measures against this practice.


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How to Cite

Caneparo Dos Anjos, P., & Timm Do Valle, M. D. (2023). Initial understandings about stalking. Dictum - Revista De Ciencias Jurídicas Y Políticas | Universidad Yacambú, 2(1), 5–22. Retrieved from



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