Prescription and expiration in the civil field venezuelan



prescription, expiration, civil process


This essay deals with the need to know the procedural institutions such as Expiration and Prescription, in order to specify their nature and distinction, and thus provide students, lawyers and other professionals with a simple and current analysis of the importance of the use of adequate terms in the civil process. For this, a documentary review of theorists with previous experiences in the civil process and its institutions in Venezuela was carried out, which contribute to formulate clear concepts that facilitate the exercise of the profession of Law. This is due to the fact that both terms seem to have the same meaning, even when in reality the processes produce different effects. As a final reflection, the need to understand both concepts is pointed out so that people can correctly exercise their rights and fulfill their obligations in Venezuela, considering the passage of time as a fundamental element.


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How to Cite

Rafael A. Albahaca. (2023). Prescription and expiration in the civil field venezuelan. Dictum - Revista De Ciencias Jurídicas Y Políticas | Universidad Yacambú, 2(1), 23–31. Retrieved from



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