Incidence of lawsuits in partition of assets filed in first instance court, independence province, january 2020 - january 2022



incidence, demands, partition of assets, court


The present study focused on determining the incidence of Demands in Partition of Assets in the Court of First Instance of the Independencia Province, through an investigation carried out in the period January 2020-January 2021. The methodology used was under a non-conforming design. experimental, quantitative approach, cross-sectional and correlational scope. The technique that was used was the survey, having as an instrument the questionnaire applied to lawyers and an interview applied to the judge. The method was deductive. The study population was 127 lawyers and one judge, and a sample of 45 lawyers and one judge, taken randomly from the list provided by the Section of the Dominican Bar Association (CARD). As a relevant result, the determination of the incidence of Demands in Partition of Assets filed in court was obtained. According to the results and conclusions of the study, in the process of the demand, to be observed and applied correctly the procedure and due process as established by the laws and the Dominican Constitution.


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How to Cite

Hernández García, V., & Nelson Cuevas Medina. (2023). Incidence of lawsuits in partition of assets filed in first instance court, independence province, january 2020 - january 2022. Dictum - Revista De Ciencias Jurídicas Y Políticas | Universidad Yacambú, 2(1), 58–73. Retrieved from



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