The private revenge as a true legal model and how it is regulated in the “Codice Barbaricino”



law history, criminal law, private revenge, Sardegna, Codice Barbaricino


Private revenge is a historical phenomenon that went through humanity until the appropriation of the punitive power made by the Modern state. This article takes into consideration the “Codice Barbaricino”, a code created by the Italian jurist A. Pigliaru, in which the phenomenon of revenge or “vendetta” is exhaustively regulated as a true legal model. In this code are listed not only the offenses that deserve revenge but also the way of how it should be executed, which realizes a parallel structure of formal justice that is worth the analysis. This being the case, the author will then focus on carrying out a brief analysis of the history of private revenge to later, yes, know how it has been regulated in the "barbaricino codex". Finally, in the discussion and conclusions, an attempt will be made to give a current perspective to the topic.


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How to Cite

Fusco, L. E. (2023). The private revenge as a true legal model and how it is regulated in the “Codice Barbaricino”. Dictum - Revista De Ciencias Jurídicas Y Políticas | Universidad Yacambú, 2(1), 74–88. Retrieved from



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