Stubborn driver violence



violence, victim, stupid driver behavior


The right to life has been the main motive to substantiate the inter-American conventions on human rights, as well as the international treaties related to this right and finally be included, protected and guaranteed by the constitutions, including the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. To begin the investigation on the presence of an unscrupulous driver, snatching the meaning of a human being's life, has been the motive of inspiration for its exhaustive study. In the last decades, road accidents have been considered public health problems. According to the World Health Organization (2020) "recorded that in 2018 there were 7,028 deaths in the country linked to road accidents". Based on this report, it confirms the road reality of 182 countries where 99% of the world's population lives. The elaboration of the article comprises a methodological journey in a socio-critical interpretative paradigm, with qualitative approach, based on the information consulted and experience of the author of this. These facts are part of the statistics with a high percentage of the total number of people killed, as well as injuries caused by traffic vehicles, where any citizen is not exempt from becoming one more number in a statistic.


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How to Cite

Yustiz Ramos, M. A. (2023). Stubborn driver violence. Dictum - Revista De Ciencias Jurídicas Y Políticas | Universidad Yacambú, 2(2), 4–15. Retrieved from



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