Denaturalization of the state of emergency as a restriction of human rights in Venezuela



human rights, states of emergency, covid-19, failed state


With the transformation of Venezuela into a Failed State, the political regime has been seeking formulas to maintain territorial control through the use of national institutions, such as states of exception, by other political-territorial instances, supplanting the functions of other public powers, restricting human rights and seeking justification in the fight against COVID-19. The forms that have been used for the different modifications only demonstrate a temptation that is consummated in the exercise of the function of legislator, from the use of the regulatory function justified in a State of Exception that cannot be delegated to the Regional Government, much less to restrict human rights. In the Venezuelan case, the States of Exception are not ways of modifying the procedure in a constitutional manner. In the case of the decrees commented, which is not even the holder of the constitutional attribution, sanctions, procedures and immediate executions of the same are created, leaving a sensation of arbitrariness and legal insecurity to the administered. The abrupt way in which these procedures are altered and even their applications are demanded, happens because of the justification of the Covid-19 pandemic itself.


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How to Cite

Carrillo Gómez, A. J. (2023). Denaturalization of the state of emergency as a restriction of human rights in Venezuela. Dictum - Revista De Ciencias Jurídicas Y Políticas | Universidad Yacambú, 2(2), 54–79. Retrieved from



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