Equal rights against gender violence in Venezuela, a look at the hermeneutical reality



egalitarian rights, gender violence, hermeneutic reality


The research studies are tuned into the sphere of purposes or intentions, aimed at understanding the egalitarian rights in the face of gender violence in Venezuela, a look at the hermeneutic reality. This work was carried out under a qualitative approach, awakening interest in social phenomenology, with which it is intended to interpret the voices of the social actors, who have lived and experienced in knowledge the thematic that is addressed and is linked to the rights that are applicable to both women and men with tendency of gender violence, in turn in a methodology of hermeneutic design, The manifestation of each one of the selected social actors was presented, with which the categories will emerge after the triangulation, presenting as a reflection, proposing that a service should be guaranteed where the priority is the protection of the human rights of the woman victim, without her being judged, or questioned on whether what she denounces is true or false; assuming the good faith of her statement, as a basic principle, and that the man should also be given greater procedural protection to prove the facts that are denounced.


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How to Cite

Montes Dávila, J. E. (2023). Equal rights against gender violence in Venezuela, a look at the hermeneutical reality. Dictum - Revista De Ciencias Jurídicas Y Políticas | Universidad Yacambú, 2(2), 125–138. Retrieved from https://revista.uny.edu.ve/ojs/index.php/dictum/article/view/359



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