the Freedom of expression vs. right to honor: a never-ending conflict



freedom of expression, right to honor, conflict


Freedom of expression and the right to honor, both fundamental pillars of democratic societies, are in constant tension, especially in the digital era where social networks amplify the scope of opinions and expressions. The article “Libertad de expresión Vs. Derecho al honor: un conflicto interminable” by María Alarcón and José Blanco analyzes this dilemma, exploring the challenges and proposing solutions to achieve a balance between both rights. While freedom of expression allows people to communicate their ideas without censorship, it is not an absolute right. There are clear limits when it is used to defame, slander or incite hatred, actions that can harm the reputation and dignity of others. The right to honor, on the other hand, protects the image and good name of individuals, guaranteeing their respect and social consideration. In short, freedom of expression and the right to honor are inalienable rights that must coexist in a just and democratic society. Dialogue, education and appropriate legal measures are essential to navigate this complex conflict and ensure respect for both rights in the digital age.


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How to Cite

Brizuela, L. M. (2024). the Freedom of expression vs. right to honor: a never-ending conflict. Dictum - Revista De Ciencias Jurídicas Y Políticas | Universidad Yacambú, 3(1), 33–41. Retrieved from



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