Transitional justice and citizen participation as a tool for strengthening democracy



democracy, transition, social justice, participation, transitional process


In a world where polarization reigns and the democratic system is affected by various social and political factors, citizens are witnessing countries where authoritarian governments prevail, while in others, societies have broken the barrier of authoritarianism and are building the path towards a solid and sustainable democratic system, as they move through the social and political moments that lie ahead. Therefore, this essay addresses the need to learn about transitional justice and citizen participation in public affairs, as a fundamental pillar for the strengthening of democracy. It also seeks to express to readers the need to understand transitional processes, under the slogan "neither revenge nor impunity". Based on this theme, the transitional processes in various countries of the world and the role played by society in each situation were studied in depth. As a reflection, the need to rationally interpret the theme is expressed, so that the reader can understand how to apply justice in transitional processes.


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How to Cite

Quintero Diaz, J. J. (2024). Transitional justice and citizen participation as a tool for strengthening democracy. Dictum - Revista De Ciencias Jurídicas Y Políticas | Universidad Yacambú, 3(1), 66–72. Retrieved from



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