Innovation in public management



innovation, public innovation, management, governance, public administrations


The organizational characteristics and nature of public services force us to think about innovation from a different perspective than the one that has traditionally been used to approach it within the context of productive enterprises in the private sector. Under these premises in recent years, interest in the study of innovation linked to the public sector has expanded. In this sense, innovation in public management can be defined as the process of exploration, assimilation and successful exploitation of a novelty, in different spheres institutional, organizational and social with the purpose that it provides original, unprecedented and creative solutions that allow generating responses in an optimal way to the new, traditional and changing needs of society. Thus, it could be said that Public Innovation refers to the development and implementation of a new idea by a public institution to create or improve public value within a society. It is a complex concept, with a polysemic and elusive character, based on its remarkable potentialities for the management of government affairs and particularly in public management. Next, it is intended to analyze the conceptualization of innovation in the public sector, through a documentary review focused on the review of different definitions, the importance of carrying it out, its lines of action, as well as the description of some forms of work and models to follow for the creation of innovative public organizations. It is concluded, essentially, that public management is called to contribute to the transformation of social demands and needs; In such a way that innovation is required to respond more effectively to the growing expectations of citizens.

Author Biography

José Gesto Rodríguez

Dr. en Gobierno y Administración Pública, Dr. en Derecho, Postdoctorado en Alta Dirección, Investigador Independiente. España.


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How to Cite

Gesto Rodríguez, J. (2023). Innovation in public management. Revista En Prospectiva | Universidad Yacambú, 3(2), 5–27. Retrieved from



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