Participatory management and directionality towards the community approach



participatory management, community approach


The purpose of the essay that I present is to provide the reader with organized and holistic information about the participation of citizens and higher education students in participatory management, with a view to promoting public policies that society demands by virtue of the satisfaction of your needs. These needs must be managed by leaders who know the socio-cultural problems that, in support of the university sector through the community service of higher education, contribute to the generation, application and evaluation of projects leading to promoting solutions to specific problems. Methodologically, it is an offshoot of the topics covered in my doctoral thesis recently presented as a promotion work; It is an ontological and epistemological position that shows a particularism critical heritage told in a socio-critical manner.

Author Biography

Mercedes Torres, Universidad Yacambú

Lcda. en Antropología Social. MSc. en Gerencia Educacional. Dra. en Gerencia. PhD. Epistemología. Prof. de Gerencia, Investigación y Antropología. Universidad Yacambú


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How to Cite

Torres, M. (2023). Participatory management and directionality towards the community approach. Revista En Prospectiva | Universidad Yacambú, 4(2), 65–76. Retrieved from