The discursive disfigurement of environmental education in Venezuela



environmental education, public politics, sustainable development, ecosocialism


Environmental education (EE) in Venezuela is undergoing a devaluation that corresponds to ideological impositions of the current government that restrict free thought and its critical-transformative nature. Currently going through a highly complex political, environmental and humanitarian crisis. This essay seeks a historical and critical look at some thoughts such as sustainable development and ecosocialism that have affected the trajectory of EE in the country. The arguments are based on various authors and 27 years of experience in the field as a teacher, extension worker and researcher. I assume a context from the discourse in public policies, as well as the role of social movements and universities. I present some reflections on the diversity of thought, the ideological hijacking of EA in an institutional crisis. Perhaps one of the most important objectives in which we must advance is in the culture of peace, in the idea that differences complement us and allow us to advance in the necessary dynamics of the existence of multiple realities. Therefore, it is necessary to revalue EE as an interdisciplinary field, in inclusive dialogic spaces, through a critical and transformative process, towards new possible models in environmental justice.

Author Biography

Carelia Hidalgo López, Universidad Federal de Rio Grande

Programa de Pos graduación de Educación Ambiental,
Universidad Federal de Rio Grande, Brasil


Carelia Hidalgo, 2012. Transformación de la praxis educativa ambiental universitaria. Caso Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado, Venezuela. Tesis presentada como requisito parcial para optar al grado de Doctora en Educación Ambiental, Universidad Pedagógica Libertador, Instituto Pedagógico de Caracas, Venezuela..

Carelia Hidalgo, 2019. Perspectiva crítica de los movimientos ambientales en Venezuela: Accionar entre el cerebro racional y reptil, en proceso de meiosis social. REMEA - Revista Eletrônica do Mestrado em Educação Ambiental, (2), 198–212.

Jasmina Méndez. 2018. Constructos históricos de las políticas públicas de educación ambiental en Venezuela. Tesis presentada como requisito parcial para optar al grado de Doctora en Educación Ambiental, Universidad Pedagógica Libertador, Instituto Pedagógico de Caracas, Venezuela.

José Mendoza, 2018. Principios rectores para propiciar la transversalidad ambiental en los programas académicos de la Universidad Centroccidental ¨Lisandro Alvarado. Tesis presentada como requisito parcial para optar al grado de Doctor en Educación Ambiental, Universidad Pedagógica Libertador, Instituto Pedagógico de Caracas, Venezuela.

República Bolivariana de Venezuela, 2000. La educación ambiental en Venezuela: Avances y retos para un nuevo milenio. Ponencia presentada en el III Congreso Iberoamericano de Educación Ambiental, 21 al 26 de octubre 2000, Caracas. Disponible en:

República Bolivariana de Venezuela, 2019. Educación Ambiental. Colección Madre Tierra. FUNDAMBIENTE, Ministerio del Poder Popular para el Ecosocialismo. Disponible en:

Edgar González Gaudiano. Otra lectura a la historia de la educación ambiental en América Latina y el Caribe. Disponible en:



How to Cite

Hidalgo López, C. (2022). The discursive disfigurement of environmental education in Venezuela. Revista En Prospectiva | Universidad Yacambú, 1(1), 15–36. Retrieved from



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