A philosophy of sustainability for management



sustainability, philosophy, management, paradigm, development sustainable


This essay is an approach to two aspects that we consider key in discussing some of the contemporary issues that may considered pressing for society at the present time, in the midst of a crisis whose causes and effects are multifactorial and interdependent, emerge in the last decades of the last century and, far from diminishing, persist, in the midst of the reigning uncertainty and lack of certainty. However, efforts to search for references that give foundation to the strategies raised to solve it are incessant. Both Sustainability and Management are part of an episteme under construction. Old paradigms of Modern Science are a profound anchor for said process and its persistence gives rise to the most varied and dissimilar resistance to change, as we try to show from the doubts that motivate our reflections critics. The narrative that thus emerges comes from the interpretive methodology characteristic of hermeneutics, combined with the review of documentary sources bibliographic. The arrow of time is strained with events corresponding to the last four decades, which we relate from a historical perspective- social under the global history-history synthesis approach. The conclusions Provisions underpin the idea of a Philosophy of Sustainability as the basis for a Management of a similar nature.

Author Biography

Alexis J. Guerra C., Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado - Programa de Desarrollo Humano

Profesor Titular. Doctorado en Estudios del Desarrollo. (UCV. CENDES). Docente e investigador en el Área de Postgrado y de Pregrado en la Universidad Cenrtroccidental Lisandro Alvarado (UCLA). Lara, Venezuela


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How to Cite

Guerra C., A. J. (2022). A philosophy of sustainability for management. Revista En Prospectiva | Universidad Yacambú, 1(1), 69–90. Retrieved from https://revista.uny.edu.ve/ojs/index.php/en-prospectiva/article/view/140



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