Vocation, the only garantee of medical humanism


  • Juan Carlos Giménez


In Prospective Magazine, medicine, humanism, vocation


Since the dawn of Humanity, Medicine has tried to alleviate human suffering. Taking care of health and life requires talent and vocation. Vocation is an intimate conviction, much more than an intellectual decision, it is a deep feeling that originates in the area of emotions. Humanism is an attitude towards life, which one has or lacks, but which can hardly be taught or learned. The vocation must overcome obstacles that begin at the university, continue in the Residence and end in the health system. Individualism, competitiveness and undergraduate must be overcome, as well as the injustices suffered in the Residence, caused by the vertical structure. Finally, the working conditions will end up attacking the vocation and humanism. If the system exploits the doctor, it perverts his vocation. It could turn Medicine into a trade, the professional into a mere technician and the patient into a user. Without Humanism there will be no Medicine and without Vocation there will be no Humanism.

Author Biography

Juan Carlos Giménez

Profesor Titular de las asignaturas “Atención primaria de la salud”, “Atención de la salud. Sistemas de salud”, del Curso de Especialización en Programas Educativos, en el Instituto de Educación Superior EDUSALUD. Profesor Titular de las asignaturas “Sociedad y sanitarismo”, “Salud de la comunidad y problemática sanitaria”, del Curso de Especialización En Programas Educativos, en el Instituto de Educación Superior EDUSALUD. Investigador Asociado en el “Estudio REDIFA-SÍNCOPE”, relevamiento de Distritos SAC de Factores de Riesgo Coronario y de la Epidemiología del Síncope, diseñado por el Área de Investigación de la Sociedad Argentina de Cardiología. CO-COORDINADOR nacional del trabajo de investigación sobre la” ASOCIACIÓN DE FACTORES DE RIESGO CARDIOVASCULAR EN ANCIANOS” (A.F.R.I.C.A.)


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How to Cite

Giménez , J. C. (2023). Vocation, the only garantee of medical humanism. Revista En Prospectiva | Universidad Yacambú, 3(1), 49–66. Retrieved from https://revista.uny.edu.ve/ojs/index.php/en-prospectiva/article/view/229



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