The circus of the butterfly

Living from possibilities, not from lacks



attitude, empowerment, manager, resilience


The short film tells the story of Will, a man who was born without limbs (without arms and only the threat of one leg), who is part of a circus of people with oddities that attract attention for having certain curiosities, which includes people different that they are subjected to continuous ridicule, looks, and disrespectful actions. The protagonist is considered an error of nature, humiliated in public day after day, which he assumes with an attitude of resignation, loneliness, and human evil. Later, he meets Mr. Méndez, who, during the Great Depression in 1930, toured the desolate lands of the United States with "The Butterfly Circus". Mr. Méndez runs his company, where differences become virtues. Unexpectedly, Will begins to be part of this circus and discovers another way of performing, living, and valuing life with the help of his new companions and friends.

Author Biography

William Pirela Espina, Doctorante en Gerencia en la Universidad Yacambú. Estado Lara

Lcdo. en Contaduría Pública. Especialista en Tributación. Doctorante en Gerencia en la Universidad Yacambú. Estado Lara, Venezuela.


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How to Cite

Pirela Espina, W. (2024). The circus of the butterfly: Living from possibilities, not from lacks. Revista En Prospectiva | Universidad Yacambú, 5(1), 90–99. Retrieved from