Knowledge management in sustainable public libraries
knowledge management, theoretical model, sustainable public libraries, knowledgeAbstract
Social organizations are constituted as a fundamental pillar to produce knowledge as an epistemic-scientific horizon directed to a new reality of ontoepistemological frameworks from various fields in social sciences, administrative, involving institutions and communities, specifically public libraries, focused on overcoming their weaknesses by developing mission, vision, to offer quality and transmission of knowledge. The purpose of the study is oriented to generate a theoretical model on knowledge management in sustainable public libraries, based on Drucker (1992), knowledge, Schneider and Angelmar (1993), Cognitive Theory of Organization, Miller and Shamsie (1996), Lloria (2001). Theory of Resources and Capabilities: Vision of Knowledge, Ahumada and Busto (2004), Public Libraries, Zapata and Canet (2009), Barón and others (2007), Cognitive biases. The methodology used is a theoretical, analytical and interpretative test. The reflections indicate that knowledge management in libraries requires integrating processes of generation, validation, dissemination, transfer and application of knowledge based on models of mental thinking, with social relevance and sustainability focused on the productivity of managers and staff in collective interaction that allows to evolve as a learning organization, intelligent, oriented to social construction and Knowledge integrated in learning communities, with organizational identity, training quality on sustainable and sustainable development.
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