Meanings of human talent management strategies, towards an emerging organization



Management stratmgies, human talent management


The administration of human resources has been essential for managers of public and private institutions; the present investigation has the general intention of generating a construct related to human talent management strategies, towards an emerging organization. The epistemological perspective that will be followed in this study is the interpretative or qualitative one; it is intended to understand the experience, and the factors that affect the managerial phenomenon under study, considering that reality is constructed by individuals in interaction with their social world. In qualitative research, the interest is in understanding the meanings that individuals assign to their world, that is, how they make sense of the experiences they have in it. In the axiological, it will keep in mind values such as: decorum, honesty, responsibility, transparency, and dedication to service; all of these are applied when carrying out his work in the Municipal Comptroller of Iribarren of the state of Lara. The phenomenological method will be used as it is called epoché, in which the focus will be on the essence or structure of an experience (phenomenon), systematically exploring the meaning of what happens and the way in which it happens. Basing himself on Husserl, who sought to turn philosophy into an absolutely rigorous discipline devoid of prior assumptions. To apply the method, the help of certain techniques is needed to gather information or to verify the knowledge acquired. The technique that will be used to collect information consists of the observation guide through a structured interview.

Author Biography

Alejandra Cepeda, Universidad Nacional Experimental “Simón Rodríguez”

Universidad Nacional Experimental “Simón Rodríguez” Sub-Dirección de Postgrado e Investigación Avanzada Núcleo Barquisimeto. Doctorado en Cs. de la Administración. Barquisimeto



How to Cite

Cepeda, . A. (2023). Meanings of human talent management strategies, towards an emerging organization. Revista En Prospectiva | Universidad Yacambú, 4(1), 28–41. Retrieved from



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