The pedagogical accompaniment from the praxis of the teacher



praxis, pedagogical accompaniment, dialectic


This essay intends to present some theoretical, practical, and to a certain extent, experiential considerations, from a perspective that attempts to understand and interpret the process of pedagogical accompaniment considering its principles, functions, and purposes, to then contrast them with reality and promote reflection/action based on the experiences and feelings of teachers regarding the said process. Then the dialectical exchange is considered as the basis to shorten the gap between the "should be" (theory) and "the being" (reality-practice) of the pedagogical accompaniment. Finally, in this essay, some reflections or considerations derived from the analysis of the subject are pointed out to contribute to the reflection on the action (praxis) of the teacher to improve this human and humanizing process.

Author Biography

Pedro Rafael Méndez Quero, Universidad Yacambú

Director de Currículo en la Universidad Yacambú UNY. Licenciado de Educación Integral. (UNESR) Magister en Ciencias de la Educación (UNESR) Doctorante en Educación Programa Interinstitucional Doctorado en Educación -PIDE- (UPEL-UCLA-UNEXPO)


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How to Cite

Méndez Quero, . P. R. (2023). The pedagogical accompaniment from the praxis of the teacher. Revista En Prospectiva | Universidad Yacambú, 4(1), 42–51. Retrieved from