Humanist justice and transparadigmatic public management. Reflections from transcomplexity



As a prelude

I assume this adventure as a researcher as an epistemological challenge to reflect on the relationship between humanist justice and public management and redefine it under a transdisciplinary approach, with the purpose of my subjectivity to break the preconceived ideas of management sciences and be able from another vision, understand it from the transparadigmatic. Undoubtedly a challenge for the author since it leads to putting aside beliefs and the comfort of what is written, and surely for the reader, it will be to see another position. It doesn't matter if she agrees or not; science is built from differences.

Author Biography

María Alejandra Mancebo, Universidad Yacambú

Directora de Postgrado de la Universidad Yacambú. Venezuela


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How to Cite

Mancebo, M. A. (2023). Humanist justice and transparadigmatic public management. Reflections from transcomplexity. Revista En Prospectiva | Universidad Yacambú, 4(1), 59–68. Retrieved from