Transformational Management, individual, organization and educational society management issues. The Butterfly Circus



transformational management, educational organizations in transformation, Butterfly Circus


The purpose of the essay presented is to reflect on the managerial effects that transformational leadership produces in organizations and how the existential essence of each and every one of the members of the organization that make it up should be highlighted, not a group but a work team. This essay report was founded within the framework of the Circo de las Mariposas video, having a manager who did not allow its members to stand out as thinking entities but instead exhibited them as exceptional phenomena, beings without their own will, and who, when they came out of the cocoon, were able to to realize that each one of them represented a repressed personality, that by making decisions they could move forward of their own free will. It was estimated to make remarks about leadership and transformational management, which is of significant importance to generate changes in organizations. Various management theories such as Competency Theory, Business Coaching, Empowerment, Organizational Theory, Classical Theory, Bureaucratic Theory were highlighted. Humanistic theory X – Y.

Author Biography

Mercedes Torres, Universidad Yacambú

Lcda. en Antropología Social. MSc. en Gerencia Educacional. Doctora en Gerencia. Prof. de las áreas de gerencia, investigación y antropología. Categoría Académica: Asociado.


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How to Cite

Torres, M. (2024). Transformational Management, individual, organization and educational society management issues. The Butterfly Circus. Revista En Prospectiva | Universidad Yacambú, 5(2), 91–100. Retrieved from