Sophie's World

Performance in the exercise of the teaching profession



philosophy, science, teaching exercise


This writing intends to make known the intentions of the great philosophers, where Sofia's World is presented as a scenario of philosophical consequence that invites us to reconsider to manifest from the integrity of the internal participation of the environment as living entities, in the correspondence between the individual and the universe, as it contrasts the theory of metaphysics by perceiving it as science. Philosophy as a discipline, promotes the bold inquiry into wisdom for the construction of philosophical discernment, with the intention of achieving its quality in order to stir up the conditions that necessarily flourish by the scientific revolution, which are discovered through philosophical research to achieve knowledge from our agreement with the world.


Author Biography

Mercedes Torres Rojas, Universidad Yacambú

Docente Asociado Universidad Yacambú. Lcda. en Antropología Social. MSc. en Gerencia Educacional. Dra. en Gerencia. PhD. Epistemología. PhD. Procesos sintagmáticos de la ciencia y la investigación.


Gilson, E. (1955). El ser y la esencia, Buenos Aires: Desclée de Brouwer.

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Aristóteles, (1978). De ánima. Trad. Por: Calvo Martínez, T. Madrid: Gredos.

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How to Cite

Torres Rojas, M. (2024). Sophie’s World: Performance in the exercise of the teaching profession. Revista En Prospectiva | Universidad Yacambú, 5(1), 111–119. Retrieved from



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