Neuromanagement, a new approach for university management



management, neuromanagement, university environment, technological revolution, postmodernity


The technological revolution transformed the trajectory of civilization, giving rise to new forms of production, marketing and consumption; At the same time, the emergence of a different spirit that governs the paths that humanity takes, called postmodernity, is recognized. It has impacted and affected the epistemic and methodological frameworks of science, including management science called to interpret the changes demanded by 21st century organizations, including the university. In this sense, the intention of this essay obeys a theoretical approach inscribed within a larger scope investigation; This is how in its development, the novel management approach offered by neuromanagement is glimpsed, which consists of the use of neuroscience knowledge in the organizational field, to conduct the neurological processes related to decision making, the intelligence of the individual and team intelligence (Braidot, 2008). Under this premise, the research is carried out from a qualitative perspective with a paradigmatic-interpretive stance, which is why it uses bibliographic sources to reveal the reality of interest. The findings point towards the identification of great challenges facing the Venezuelan university called to reconfigure its epistemic foundations based on its own ethos and culture.

Author Biography

Carolina Trinidad Bocaranda, Universidad Yacambú

Psicóloga. Contador Público. Esp. En Auditoría. Docente Universidad Yacambú.


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How to Cite

Bocaranda, C. T. (2024). Neuromanagement, a new approach for university management. Revista En Prospectiva | Universidad Yacambú, 5(2), 82–90. Retrieved from