Ethics in education under the competency-based approach
Towards analogical subsumption
ethics, university education, competencies, analogical subsumptionAbstract
The present scientific production presents some philosophical reflections on the principles of ethics that are considered essential in the construction of the various educational models at university level, and that continue to raise in teachers the question about the need for future professionals to be trained with the ability to "assume" them in a more concrete concept and move towards an analogical subsumption of these principles in the teaching and learning process. In this sense, we will rely on the humanistic theory of Carl Rogers that will serve as epistemological foundation to the competency-based approach being proposed by some educational models that are being declared at the university level, echoing the proposal of Sergio Tobón that seeks to awaken and encourage among students a conception of ethics from a critical and liberating sense (being); that is, that supported by the various theories (knowing), the future professional is able to read and analyze reality and, at the same time, propose solutions where everyone feels included (Acting or living together). In other words, educating for life, respect for the dignity of the human person, social solidarity and ethical praxis in each profession or trade.
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