Towards a new vision of cultural management in the transmodern age



transformation management, cultural management, times of change


Cultural management that should prevail in postmodern organizations, is subject to a management according to this epochal change that combine resources, means, strategies, ensuring achievement of relevant policies and cultural projects towards the consolidation of an inclusive social development. From this perspective, the purpose of this paper is to set up a new vision of cultural management in times of change. In epistemology, is based on social constructionism, according Ibanez (2007), knowledge is a construction generated by the activity of the subject and the reality of the researcher. Intersubjective ontology is low the precepts of Córdoba (2009) who notes that all mental, volitional, emotional, cognitive load of the subject in frank and complex social interaction with the other actors. Likewise and qualitative methodology. Circumscribed to the phenomenological-hermeneutical method. Thus, the technique of gathering information is the in-depth interview, which was applied to the social actors in managerial positions within the context studied. Finally the emerging theory contributes to the development of Being in a comprehensive manner, supporting in emerging categories which are: Empowerment management, new management thinking and Transformation Management.

Author Biography

Azorena M. Oviedo, Universidad Nacional Abierta, Barquisimeto, Deo. Lara

Postdoctora en Filosofía e Investigación (UNEY), Dra. En Gerencia (UNY), MSc. En Educación mención Orientación, Docente de Educación Integral (UPEL). Orientadora y jefe del área de Logística y Evaluación (UNA)


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How to Cite

Oviedo, A. M. (2023). Towards a new vision of cultural management in the transmodern age. Revista En Prospectiva | Universidad Yacambú, 3(2), 28–43. Retrieved from



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