Unveiling the frameworks of university neuromanagement from an ontological appropriation



management, neuromanagement, university scope, ontology


Neuromanagement is a discipline that applies the knowledge of neuroscience to the business field, investigating and studying the intellectual and emotional mechanisms related to the management of organizations and people from cognitive neuroscience (Braidot, 2008). In this sense, the intention of this essay constitutes a theoretical approach to a broader research whose topic is Neuromanagement in the university environment from an ontological vision. Thus, its purpose is to reveal the way in which the human being, a fundamental social actor in the scenario of higher education institutions, must be interpreted and understood; beyond the ontic and enriched by the ontological conception proposed by Heidegger (2005) from being-there or Dasein. Based on this proposal, the research process and the significance of knowledge are based on a qualitative approach with a paradigmatic-interpretive stance, which uses bibliographic sources to reveal the reality of interest. The findings outline a series of theoretical and ontological concerns capable of directing the future steps of the investigative process in a path of constant self-reflection that looks at the fact studied from its human complexity.

Author Biography

Carolina Trinidad Bocaranda, Docente Universidad Yacambú

Psicóloga. Contador Público. Esp. En Auditoría. Docente Universidad Yacambú.


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How to Cite

Bocaranda, C. T. (2024). Unveiling the frameworks of university neuromanagement from an ontological appropriation. Revista En Prospectiva | Universidad Yacambú, 5(1), 13–21. Retrieved from https://revista.uny.edu.ve/ojs/index.php/en-prospectiva/article/view/389



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