Educating from public policies in transmodernity

A humanist vision



educating, public policies, transmodernity, humanistic vision


Humanity professes experiences that come from inexplicable spherical times, known by the presence of theories present in the complex, transcomplex and metacomplex, with starting features, until the present times. In its journey I intend to direct the questioning translated as a purpose of unveiling the essence of the educated from public policies in transmodernity: with a humanistic vision, they lead me to denote experiences on extensive transformations in society, significantly impacted in all its academic structure. With innovations in the political, economic, social, cultural and of course educational, changes driven by thinkers born in this context. From the theoretical, thinking and re-thinking in the depths of my being, doubts emerge, which I can clarify by adding to these, a new basis that tunes with the long-awaited flood of ideas: what are we, where are we going, being able to engage with what we want to be, I am sure that I will get reflections attending the arguments addressed here, guided in a qualitative approach, interpretive paradigm coincides substantially, in the interpretation as a fundamental element of the analysis of social reality, under the phenomenological, supported by the hermeneutic. For the reflective field, approaching a new learning model, which underlies the learning-by-doing, management of a new teaching.


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Author Biography

Milagro Alexandra Yustiz Ramos, Universidad Yacambú

Abogado en ejercicio. Maestrías en Ciencias Jurídicas y Militares, Derecho Constitucional y Derechos Humanos. Doctorado Gerencia. Postdoctorados en: Filosofía e Investigación, Políticas Públicas y Educación, Gerencia Postconvencional. Docente Pre y Postgrado Universidad Yacambú. Asesor externo de la Fiscalía Militar 26 Barquisimeto estado Lara. Tutor Externo de la Universidad Nacional de la Magistratura Caracas, y de Escuela Nacional de Fiscales. Caracas.


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How to Cite

Yustiz Ramos, M. A. (2024). Educating from public policies in transmodernity: A humanist vision. Revista Honoris Causa, 16(1), 110–127. Retrieved from



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