Cultural imaginary in relation to healing: a look from the ethnographic perspective



cultural imaginary, healing, ethnographic perspective


The complexity permeates each socio-historical process, from the experiential-social by a continuous evolution based on interpretive actions that demand the need to know the universal essence of the facts to reveal the structures of meaning of the world of life. It is in this ontological doing that the cultural imaginary emerges as a relational construct conceived within the cognitive surveillance of the culture of each country. From this perspective, this scientific article focuses its attention on the peremptory nature of the cultural imaginary in relation to healing, from an ethnographic perspective that seeks to enter into the context of healing, as well as, to know the transcendence of culture, from the significance and feeling that the social and experiential aspects imprint on it. It is in this way, as in the conveniences of assuming a paradigmatic view of the cultural imaginary around the recognition of healing as a collective phenomenon, that the combination of the development of cultural aspects with the ethnographic perspective becomes interesting, based on its main characteristics. intersubjective and dialogical, from the assumption of the search for human well-being that, in collective and citizen terms, is constituted by a whole legion of ancestral customs, perhaps unsuspected in the citizens themselves.


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Author Biography

Raiza Coromoto Quintero Meléndez, UPEL – IPB

Prof. de inglés, adscrita al departamento de Idiomas Modernos de la UPEL – IPB. MSc. en Investigación Educacional. Doctorante en Cultura Latinoamericana y caribeña de la UPEL – IPB


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How to Cite

Raiza Coromoto Quintero Meléndez. (2023). Cultural imaginary in relation to healing: a look from the ethnographic perspective. Revista Honoris Causa, 15(1), 162–177. Retrieved from