Experiences in financial management: preparation for the industry 5.0 of the Industrial Engineer



financial management, industry 5.0, industrial engineering


The objective of this essay was to reflect through experiences in financial management on the competencies for Industry 5.0 of the industrial engineer. The importance of competencies and interdisciplinarity as foundations in Industry 5.0 was addressed, highlighting the advanced technological condition and organizational management skills to face the challenges of the productive environment. Likewise, experiences in financial management of the industrial engineer were described, with emphasis on effective communication, interdisciplinary collaboration and the use of data in financial decision making in international contexts. In the same way, some lessons learned from the experiential framework in industrial advice were pointed out, highlighting the usefulness of shared platforms and resources to understand and address business problems in a comprehensive manner. Methodologically, the type of research was documentary, using the recording technique to collect relevant information from academic and scientific sources such as the Scopus database, Web of Science, ScienceDirect; in addition to content analysis and conceptual synthesis. Among the reflections, the interest in the specific competencies of the industrial engineer is highlighted within the framework of the experiences required in the labor market for industry 5.0, based on experiential experiences in financial management and lessons learned from constantly evolving business advice.


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Author Biography

Anel Carolina Núñez Herrera, Universidad Nacional Abierta

Doctora en Ciencias Gerenciales. MSc.en Educación. Mención Planificación Educativa. Ingeniero Industrial, Docente e Investigadora. Universidad Nacional Abierta. Caracas, Venezuela.


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How to Cite

Núñez Herrera, A. C. (2023). Experiences in financial management: preparation for the industry 5.0 of the Industrial Engineer. Revista Honoris Causa, 15(2), 162–173. Retrieved from https://revista.uny.edu.ve/ojs/index.php/honoris-causa/article/view/326