Onto-epistemic position of the lawyer of the XXI century in the field of management and technology information and communication



lawyer, skills, management, professional practice


This article is a theoretical dissertation about the construction of the ontoepistemological position of the practicing lawyer and the challenges posed by communication and information technologies and the managerial skills that must be developed in the management of a professional office. The study is about building an interpretative vision of the reality lived from the perspective of the key versions in the exercise of their profession from a law firm, which is done under the parameters of the qualitative paradigm using their techniques for the collection of the information and for its analysis, in order to contribute to building the ontoepistemic position of the legal professional. It is about interviewing some key versions and building a theoretical perspective that allows positioning the functions and competencies of the 21st century lawyer through the categorization and triangulation of sources and theories.


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Author Biography

Alexis Lattuf, Universidad Fermín Toro

Abogado. Especialista Derecho Mercantil. Conferencista Nacional. Docente Universitario. Universidad Fermín Toro. Autor de la Obra: Mis anotaciones al Derecho Concursal Venezolano.


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How to Cite

Lattuf, A. (2024). Onto-epistemic position of the lawyer of the XXI century in the field of management and technology information and communication. Revista Honoris Causa, 16(1), 161–175. Retrieved from https://revista.uny.edu.ve/ojs/index.php/honoris-causa/article/view/381