Reflexivity and Covid 19



Covid 19, modernity, perceptions, young university students, Chiapas


This qualitative article analyzes the perceptions of sixty-four (64) young people from the Autonomous University of Chiapas regarding COVID 19. The proposal is to ponder on the validity and the specificities of reflexivity in the modern societies, relating a particular theory with the reality of the Chiapas’ society in times of COVID-19. The purpose is inquiring how COVID-19 with all its implications have modified the life of young university people. Nevertheless, not only a description is intended, but an analysis of coronavirus’ consequences in the life of subjects in base to a theory of society; so the second purpose is to test a theory to the empirical testing. Texts written during school period by university young people, when the period of social isolation had already begun, were examined based on the categories formulated by Giddens about the risk in traditional and modern societies, and in base to the study by Shehu & Rao about the perception of COVID-19 in Nigeria. The main discover is that the answers of the university students questioned on COVID-19 are different from those of the other social groups. Are the young people reflexive in a traditional society?


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How to Cite

Acevedo García, M. (2021). Reflexivity and Covid 19. Revista Honoris Causa, 13(1), 04–21. Retrieved from



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