Migrants, covid-19 and the state on the Chiapas border

Media representation and social construction



media representations, migrants at borders, covid-19


The article is based on documentary research with a qualitative approach, supported by experiences and ethnographic data collected during 10 years of research in the area. A critical reading was made of the journalistic notes of the local Mexican press on the migrants in transit in the city of Tapachula who are "trapped" in this area since the beginning of the contingency generated by the Covid-19 and it is analyzed in light of the theory of media representation and the social construction of the problem. The finding is that stereotypes in relation to migrants were reinforced in the journalistic reports during the Covid-19 contingency, representing migrants as carriers of various stigmas, while at the same time highlighting local concern and discontent with the Mexican authority, due to its lack of administrative capacity regarding the immigration and sanitary control system. From the analysis of the journalistic notes, the purpose of this study is to make visible the process of public construction of the problems, the figure of otherness and the fears that are embedded in migrants from the Mexican press.


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How to Cite

Kuromiya, A. (2021). Migrants, covid-19 and the state on the Chiapas border: Media representation and social construction. Revista Honoris Causa, 13(1), 72–85. Retrieved from https://revista.uny.edu.ve/ojs/index.php/honoris-causa/article/view/45



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