Ethical resignification from the emerging economies

Viewing the blue management



ethics, emerging economies, blue management


The purpose of this research is to recreate theoretical contributions about emerging economies, from their ethical resignification, to envision other ways of managing the development of a thought attached to non-traditional positions, moving from the red economy to the circular or blue economy, through which it is value being, society, the environment. It is a documentary research, configured from a contrasting critical reflexive hermeneutical stance of the texts consulted and the author's experiences, complemented with a transdisciplinary, complex, integrative worldview of constructible realities, evaluating macroeconomic indicators, to understand and propose transformations to the field business, constituted from customary linear visions; likewise, comprehensively appreciate the ethics that underlie managerial actions from the blue economy in a context where change will be a determining factor in the ways of conceiving and reordering the sphere of their actions. Resigning an ethical sense from the blue management, based on the circular economy, as the foundation of the manager's thinking and doing, entails a solidary praxis, of an ecological and social sense, creative, careful of nature, being, in order to convert the organization as a moral agent, capable of envisioning the changes that will unfold in the post-pandemic world.


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Author Biography

Ana Méndez de Garagozzo, Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador

Postdoctorante Universidad Yacambú
Barquiismeto - Lara - Venezuela


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How to Cite

Méndez de Garagozzo, A. (2021). Ethical resignification from the emerging economies: Viewing the blue management. Revista Honoris Causa, 13(1), 99–110. Retrieved from