Conceptual ontogenesis of otherness: understanding the human being from a work perspective



otherness, understanding, job perspective


Ontogenesis means going to the primary source of ontology; Its etymology is derived from the Greek ontos, meaning "being" and genesis, "origin." As such, science uses it to follow the biological development of the human being from fertilization. However, this term is provided by language to give meaning to science at the birth of things, in this case at the root of the concept. Starting from radicality means having knowledge of the epistemic principle. To approach Otherness from the root of the word itself, it was necessary to investigate and scrutinize existing texts and documents in their historical references, so the intention of this essayistic discourse is to know the conceptual meanings that social authors give to this phenomenon. In this sense, this essay is inscribed from the descriptive, likewise, it is classified as documentary research supported from the interpretative point of view by the author's investigative praxis. Regarding the concluding part, the most prominent social authors with scientific significance to the phenomenon of Otherness are identified and known, such as Lévinas, Frankl (2022), Aristóteles (1957), and Butierrez (2019), Ortega y Gasset (1980).


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Aristóteles (1957). Política: Vi-Da Global S.A. Domicilio: Costa Rica 5639 (caba) cuit: 30-70827052-7.

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Butierrez (2019). Caminos hacia la alteridad. La comprensión del otro en las elaboraciones de Heidegger en torno a Sein und Zeit. Revista Anales del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía e-ISSN 1988-2564.

E. Lévinas, (1961). Ética e infinito, tr. J. M. Ayuso Díez 2000, Madrid: La balsa de la medusa.

E. Levinas, (1993). El tiempo y el otro. Barcelona: Paidós.

E. Levinas (2002). Totalidad e Infinito. Ensayo Sobre La Exterioridad. Sexta Edición. Ediciones Sígueme Salamanca.

Frankl V. Psicoterapia y Existencialismo. Editorial Herder 2da. Edición 2003

Ortega, J. y Gasset (1980). El hombre y la gente. Alianza Editorial. Revista de Occidente. Colección El arquero, 8.

Maturana H. (1996). El Sentido de lo Humano. Ediciones Dolmes Octava Edición. Santiago de Chile.

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How to Cite

Fonseca, J. G. (2024). Conceptual ontogenesis of otherness: understanding the human being from a work perspective. Revista Honoris Causa, 16(2), 111–123. Retrieved from



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